J H Ingrouille, 1916

At the meeting of the Loyal Guernsey Lodge of Oddfellows, held at Lower St Julian's last evening, the officers wore mourning regalia as a tribute of respect to the late Mr J H Ingrouille, who was one of the founders of this great Friendly Society.

The following may be read with interest by local Oddfellows:

Mr John Ingrouille was the survivor of half-a-dozen Guernseymen on whom rested the honour of starting the great Friendly Society movement in this island. In the upper room of the café in the States Arcade, then a hotel kept by Bro. Rougier, was formed by the six, the Loyal Guernsey Lodge of Oddfellows. Bro. Ingrouille was No. 2 on the roll and since that year, 1845, for 71 years his name has stood at the head.

From this small beginning he had lived to see great things grow, a membership of over 2,300 with a capital of £33,000 and has had the pleasure of knowing that the little seed planted in 1845, has been the means of doing untold good for the working classes, and has saved the parish rates of Guernsey many thousands of pounds.