Library Book Collection

14 August 1818: A Letter from Gaspe

This letter from a Methodist preacher in Canada is taken from the Magasin Méthodiste of 1818. This French-language publication, intended primarily for Channel Island consumption, was produced at the instigation and probably the expense of the indefatigable Methodist pioneer, Jean de Queteville. The Priaulx Library may be unique in holding a complete run of the magazine, which contains original articles in French and translations of contributions from the English monthly, Methodist Magazine.

Easter 1780: Children shall not profane the Sabbath!

One of many complaints about children; an Order of the Royal Court from the Easter Session of 1780. Chief Pleas, Session after Easter, held 3 April, 1780, William Le Marchant, Esq., Bailiff, presiding, in the presence of etc. Children shall not profane the Sabbath. The Law Officers having brought it to our attention that for some time past Children, instead of attending Church on a Sunday, are spending their time playing together and amusing themselves in the streets and other public places, thus profaning the day, offending their Faith and prejudicing their morals,—THE COURT, having heard…

The Heaumes of Guernsey County

Amongst the very first settlers in Guernsey County, Ohio, in the heart of Appalachia in the United States, were the two groups of Guernsey people who arrived there in 1806 and 1807, from whom the district takes its name. They were soon followed by other enterprising island families, and this is the story of one of them.
