Royal Court & States

30 December 1672: Castle Cornet explodes

Reminiscences, from The Star, Tuesday December 9,  1890. The reaction of the population to the shocking event: a translation of an Ordinance of the Royal Court of 11 January, 1673; and an account from Roger North's Life of Dr John North, a 17th century Cambridge academic who was related to the Hattons. The illustration of the Castle before the explosion is a print published by Richard Godfrey in 1779, taken from a painting then in the possession of a [Mr] Carey.

Easter 1780: Children shall not profane the Sabbath!

One of many complaints about children; an Order of the Royal Court from the Easter Session of 1780. Chief Pleas, Session after Easter, held 3 April, 1780, William Le Marchant, Esq., Bailiff, presiding, in the presence of etc. Children shall not profane the Sabbath. The Law Officers having brought it to our attention that for some time past Children, instead of attending Church on a Sunday, are spending their time playing together and amusing themselves in the streets and other public places, thus profaning the day, offending their Faith and prejudicing their morals,—THE COURT, having heard…
