Library Document Collection

The Family of Major-General John Gaspard Le Marchant

'I am determined to rise to the head of my profession and nothing but death will stop me.' J. Gaspard Le Marchant was born into one of the most influential and possibly the wealthiest family in Guernsey. His was one of the most illustrious careers in the history of the the British Army, in which he single-mindedly founded the Royal Military College and revolutionised the training of officers. Highly esteemed by Wellington, he died a glorious if unnecessary death in 1812 at the Battle of Salamanca, following which a monument to him was erected in St Paul's Cathedral at public expense.

Le Pelley notes from Col. Le Pelley's MSS II

Contrats pour lire: 21 July 1589. Jean Le Pelley fils Collas de St Pierre du Bois [sells ] 6 bs de rente a Thomas de Lisle. Ditto 18 June 1598. Collette Pezett fille de Jean, de St Pierre Port [widow] de Jean Le Fyvre [sells] pour £33 sterling d'Angleterre & 12bs d'annuelle rente, La Croutte Pezett en St André, au fyeu des Esperons, cont. 10 vergees de terre, au north du Cortill John Bailleull, à l'est [] des Gouyes appartenant à Martin Belin à cause de [sa] femme fille de Thomas de Garys. A Collas Le Pelley fils Charles. Do. 5th September 1570 . Edmond Ettur [sells] à Pierre Le…
